Drink Coffee and Live Long?
Coffee. Everyone’s favorite legal drug, a writer’s loyal companion, a friend’s hug in a mug...Scientific discourse surrounding the benefits of drinking coffee
The Real Reason You Don’t Exercise
Lit Lovers Possess Greater Empathic Skills
When a new fantasy movie hits the theaters - like Harry Potter or Twilight - fans who read the novel that inspired
Worst Cold Ever?
Reconsider your relationships Runny nose, scratchy throat, headaches and fatigue...We are talking about the dreaded common cold! According to a recently published research article
Self-Help Books: Are They Effective?
Is it possible to ameliorate distress and banish anxiety by reading self-help books?If you have ever wandered inside a bookstore, you have
You Can Cope With Anxiety
Anxiety is common to us all. It surfaces when we are faced with uncertainty and when we find ourselves under real or
Do You Crave Sweets After Sleepless Nights?
How many hours of sleep do you actually get each night? You decide to
Can We Build Smart Brains by Using Smart Apps?
Everything we do, every thought we've ever had, is produced by the human brain. But exactly how it operates remains one of
Any Familiar Faces Around?
They trick your judgment…Have you ever had an encounter with someone who just looked like your best friend? What did this resemblance