Gravitational Waves – again!

    When black holes merge... Gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativityt  were detected for a  second time within months. The signal, recorded

    Ötzi Gets on the Catwalk

    Assorted leathers, casual style.. The last days of  a man , posthumously named Ötzi because his mummified body was discovered in a partly-melted

    The “Hobbit” Further Shrunk!

    New fossil specimens corroborate “dwarf human” hypothesis... A newly discovered fossil mandible and teeth at the Indonesian island of Flores disproved some claims

    Europe Says “Open Science”

    All scientific papers to be freely available by 2020...  European ministers in charge of research agreed on making all scientific papers freely available

    Longest Living Vertebrate

    At least 400 years old... Danish scientists have established that the longevity record among the vertebrates belongs to the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)

    Meteor Shower Awed

    Over a hundred per hour... It’s difficult to count them and even more so making a wish before the streak of light whizzing